It Was Fascination….

So, we went out the other night…had some bad sushi, went to a neighborhood VFW and witnessed the most hysterical karaoke I’ve ever seen, and then visited a friend who is a bartender at a Portuguese club. I swear, my life is a cartoon. IT IS!! We had a few drinks…some shots of Tia Maria. I’ve never had that before. It was good, tasted like Kahlua. Watched my friend work hard for peanuts all night after working all day driving a school bus. As she served cheap booze to a bunch of drunk men, a couple of them started chatting with me and my partner…bought us drinks and we bought a couple for them…seemed innocent enough. THEN, it started…”come over to my house for a party”, “I want to make love to you”, “Please, I just want to cuddle”. No…No, and NO! Don’t get me wrong, we were laughing the entire time…it was funny and they were harmless. I love men, truly I do…sometimes I find men easier to be friends with than women and I have quite a few “straight” male friends whom I love dearly! But, sometimes when we’re out having a good time, drinking some cocktails, and chatting it up with some great guys…to avoid them getting the wrong idea, we’ll honestly tell them that we’re gay and we’re together, THEN… all of a sudden, they become more intrigued! They want to watch OR join us. HELLO! Just because we’re lesbians does NOT mean we have sex all the time and it certainly does NOT mean that we want to have sex with strange men. We’re gay and monogamous. We have no interest in having sex with men. Please don’t be offended…but lesbians are just not interested. OK??  No matter how many times you ask, how nicely you ask, OR how many drinks we’ve had…the answer will still be no. What IS the fascination anyway? I find it a scream that anyone still finds my sexual relationship fascinating…I mean, seriously, I’m 48 and my girlfriend is even older. haha That being said, there are so many things more interesting than middle-aged women having sex.  After some research, here are a few things that I found fascinating.


Cubatao (The Valley Of Death) – Located in Brazil, Cubatao has the highest levels of pollution in the world…so high in fact, that it was compared to what one could expect to see living on the outskirts of a nuclear blast zone. After an oil spill in 1984, Cubatao (with the help of US funding) has made some significant progress in cleaning things up…. but it will take many, many years to make any drastic changes. Hopefully, they will continue on this positive path.

Being on the Weight Watchers point system over a month now and successfully losing almost 20 lbs…with more to lose…I found the following extremely fascinating. It IS possible to lose weight without exercise or changing your eating habits. How?? Well, you’ll have to go to Mars. YES! Mars holds the scientific secret to weight loss! The gravitational pull on Mars is only 38% of what it is on Earth. So, if you weigh 100 lbs. on Earth, you would only weight 38 on Mars! When’s the next NASA lift-off???


Being left-handed myself, I find lefties very fascinating. Did you know that 4 of the 5 original designers of the Macintosh were left-handed? Or that 4 of the last 6 Presidents of the US were left-handed?  Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford, Harry Truman, Herbert Hoover, and James Garfield were all lefties. Left handed people are more creative but forgetful according to the American Psychological Association. Another fascinating fact…in 300BC, the 4th finger of the left hand was chosen as the wedding ring finger because doctors at that time believed that there was a nerve in that finger that ran directly to the heart!! How romantic is THAT??

So, to all you wonderful men out there who are fascinated by lesbians…get your minds out of the gutter and start looking at all the TRULY fascinating and wonderous things that the world has to offer you. Next time I’m out at a bar, I’ll be happy to share a drink and discuss what you’ve found!!

~ by ribettefan on April 18, 2010.

2 Responses to “It Was Fascination….”

  1. Great post! And congrats on the 20 lbs. That’s terrific!

  2. you left me out as a fascinating thing lol ill try and not be insulted c u tomorrow

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